From Zero to Fully Automated Outreach in 7 Steps

We remove all the tedium of research and remove time it takes to trawl through drafts of emails. In seconds, after you fill out some basics, you get the lowdown on the company you’re after in a super digestible brief with spot-on pitches to match.
Input Some Seller Profile Basics
The first step in making sure Bounti is working at its full powers, requires you to enter some basic details. Enter some information on your prospects as well as use cases from your company. This will help Bounti in crafting why your company's solution is the key for the prospects you are after.
Add Some Quick Persona Details
Next, get specific so Bounti can help you target your prospects even better. Enter a bit of information on who it is you are exactly trying to reach. Head of Sales? VP of Demand Gen? Where is the company located? What size is it? All the basics.
Input Your Value Proposition
Enter in your use cases and case studies here to help Bounti in crafting why your company's solution is the key for the prospects you are after. Bounti can read PDFs and links.
Add Your Prospects
After you add them in, Bounti will generate lookalike accounts for you. You will have even more time on your hands to reach out to more potential customers with all the work Bounti automates for you.
Receive Your Pitch and Cliff Notes
Here’s where the magic happens! After you’ve got the basics entered on you and your target, watch Bounti fill you in on the latest you need to know. Bounti pulls from news, reports and more from across the web then distill that intel into notes which appear side-by-side with a few versions of what the perfect pitch could look like.
Make a Coffee While Bounti Serves Up The Perfect Email
Bounti gives you a few quick bullet points on the goals, pains, responsiblities and more of your targeted persona to better inform how to perfect your pitch. Navigate over to the left menu and see other strong personas within your target company you potentially should contact.
Make Another Coffee While Bounti Uncovers New Accounts
Alternatively, if you so desire, you can add in a new contact from the target company beyond the generated list Bounti made. Keep on contacting and outbounding with Bounti at your side! Messages and pitches can be crafted specific to email, Linkedin, phone call and beyond!
Unlock Your Sales Potential Today
Experience the power of Bounti's autonomous AI teammate to prospect, connect, and convert more effortlessly.